Friday, December 16, 2022

Tracking Down The Insurrectionists: QAnon Guy Sentenced

Douglas Jensen, the infamous Iowa insurrectionist wearing a "QAnon" t-shirt as he led seditionist rampagers inside the Capitol building on January 6, has been sentenced to 5 years in prison for his seditionist act. Jensen was made infamous in the videos showing him leading the treasonous morons as they climbed the steps inside the Capitol, only to be diverted by heroic Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman who led them away from the chamber where the electoral votes were ceremoniously counted:

"Wearing a T-shirt celebrating the conspiracy theory with his arms spread, Douglas Jensen became part of one of the most memorable images from the riot.

As he handed down the sentence, Judge Timothy Kelly said he wasn’t sure Jensen understood the seriousness of a violent attack in which he played a 'big role.'

“It snapped our previously unbroken tradition of peaceful transfer of power. We can’t get that back,' Kelly said. 'I wish I could say I had evidence you understood this cannot be repeated.'

Jensen was convicted at trial of seven counts, including felony charges that he obstructed Congress from certifying the Electoral College vote and that he assaulted or interfered with police officers during the siege. His sentence also includes three years of supervised release and a $2,000 fine."

You can be sure that if given the opportunity Jensen would commit the same crimes again in support of his cult leader.  It's good that he'll be in prison, ironically while his cult leader pockets money from his latest grift.  Sucka!

(photo: Manuel Balce Ceneta / AP)


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