Sunday, January 1, 2023



Some "clairvoyant Trump" predictions for the new year, courtesy of Weekly Humorist (more here):

The Supreme Court will draft an amendment to Roe Vs. Wade, wherein those who are famous and / or rich can get abortions if they really want to.    Yeah, yeah, we’re already doing that anyway, but it would be fun to rub in the faces of the dopey middle class.

2023 will begin a new Age Of Enlightenment, during which it will no longer seem weird for an elderly man to watch his hot daughter play a couple of games of croquet in her underwear.

Putin and I will become ensnared in one of those Freaky Friday type of body switch scenarios, allowing me to fully embrace the bloodthirsty, maniacal tyrant inside that I’ve denied for far too long.

The pharmaceutical industry will develop a pill that causes a woman to be unable to successfully recall the size of a previous sexual partner’s genitalia, even when prompted by large sums of money from TMZ.

Gaetz.  Tate.  Trump.

On a more serious note, for pundit predictions that went seriously wrong in 2022, including 1) Roe v Wade wouldn't be overturned, and even if it was, it's no biggie electorally, 2) the red wave is coming!!, 3) Russia won't invade Ukraine, and more, go here.

We have only one prediction:  that a certain Malignant Loser will have a very, very bad 2023.

Meanwhile, as a guy named Einstein once said, "I never think of the future, it comes soon enough."

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