Thursday, January 12, 2023

QOTD: "Immoral, Ignorant, Lazy" Trump

New York Times reporter Michael Schmidt, author of "Donald Trump v. The United States,"  on MSNBC discussing the Malignant Loser's former chief-of-staff Gen. (ret.) John Kelly's impression of his boss:

"So when Kelly came in as chief of staff, he thought that the problem around Trump was that he was not staffed properly and they needed to create a process around him, and that's what the chaos of the first six months of the administration was about. But when Kelly comes in as chief of staff, what he realizes is that the problem is not just the fact that there's not a process and that he's not being staffed as well as he could, but that Trump himself was the problem, that Trump was far dumber and immoral and ignorant and lazy than he ever thought he was.

Within a few days, he becomes terrified because here he is, the top staffer to the president of the United States, and he's realizing that the president of the United States is far more limited and potentially dangerous than he ever thought, and at that point, there was no one else to call. He was -- it was just him and Trump, and he basically spends the next 18 months trying to manage Trump as much as he could." (our emphasis)

One could add such descriptors as corrupt, compromised, sociopathic and delusional. Of course, Kelly's assessment comes years after it might have made an impact of the Malignant Loser's support. He had a "duty to warn," and ignored it.


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