Thursday, March 30, 2023

Letters We Wish We'd Written Dept.


From today's Washington Post:

Regarding Eugene Robinson’s March 24 op-ed, “Trump’s GOP rivals still haven’t figured out a way around him”:

It’s not the Republican candidates but rather the party’s voters who will require a come-to-Jesus moment before the GOP, and the country, can move past this dysfunctional period.

It is an ingrained human trait to powerfully resist discovering you were wrong, conned or misled. Former president Donald Trump attracted the support of many of his followers by telling them countless untruths, many of which they believed. Unless or until these supporters come to realize they have been lied to and conned and are actually mistaken about things they hold to be true, not only will they remain loyal to Mr. Trump but they will also resent anyone who tries to dissuade them of what they so fervently believe.

This country desperately needs educational efforts against misinformation to begin very early in a child’s education, as Finland does. It might be too late in the United States to correct that deficit in many adults. GOP voters, especially Trump supporters, would call discovering the truth indoctrination, or worse yet, being woke.

Jim Nagle, Reston

We'd argue that it is too late to correct the toxic reality deficit in the many adult MAGAts, after decades of sewage being fed into their heads by right- wing media and other sources.  We likely will have to wait until they shuffle off this mortal coil via a disease they weren't vaccinated against/ another bad health decision, or a gunshot from one of their favorite weapons of choice.

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