Margaret Sullivan, writing in The Guardian:
"The Florida governor Ron DeSantis likes to brag that he’s just getting started with his rightwing agenda.
'You ain’t seen nothing yet,' was how he put it in one recent speech.
Banning ideas and authors is not a ‘culture war’ – it’s fascism.
He means it as a promise, but it ought to be heard as a threat. That’s particularly true for women whose abortion rights already are being dangerously curtailed and for gay and transgender students who are already being treated as lower life forms. It’s particularly true for those who care about voting rights and press rights, and for those who cherish the power of books and free expression as a foundation of societal wellbeing.
Of course, if DeSantis should somehow capture the presidency (he’s undeclared thus far but the Oval Office is clearly on his mind), that threat would extend to our entire nation and to the world beyond." (our emphasis)
Predictably, the majority of the Beltway Media has yet to cast a critical eye on Florida's rampaging fascist Governor, despite (or perhaps because of) his overt hostility and threats. It's similar to he way that they treated the rise of the Malignant Loser as an edgy, entertaining novelty, although DeSantis is no entertainer. When most of them treated the Malignant Loser as a threat to democracy, it was far too late. The pattern seems to be repeating with DeSantis, especially since they see him as the biggest threat to the Malignant Loser's return to power.
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