Saturday, March 18, 2023

Tracking Down The Insurrectionists: Heavy Duty And Teeny Bopper


The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia dispensed with two January 6 Trumpist insurrectionists in the past two days, sentencing each to over three years in prison for their violent acts that day.  

Daniel D. Egtveldt of Maryland, a 300- pound- plus Trumper, was sentenced to 42 months for forcibly resisting Capitol Police and three other felony counts. One of the Capitol Police officers he terrorized was Melissa Marshall, who described her encounter with the oversize thug:

“'I want to be clear that what happened at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was a domestic terrorist attack,' she said.

Marshall said by the time she’d encountered Egtvedt, who entered through the Senate Wing doors after they were breached by other rioters, she had 'already spent hours fighting for my life.' She described Egtvedt as 'aggressive and unhinged' and said she’ll never forget their encounter.

'Seared into my memory forever is the moment when he charged me, grabbed me and screamed into my face, "You shoot me! Shoot me!" Marshall said."  (our emphasis)

Marshall has since retired from the force and moved to New Zealand due to the trauma of that day.

Then 18- year- old Aiden Bilyard of North Carolina was sentenced to 40 months for assaulting police with a chemical agent and breaking out a window:

"Bilyard pleaded guilty in October, part of a deal with federal prosecutors that led to the dismissal of eight other charges, including four felonies. [snip]

Bilyard is the youngest of at least 28 N.C. residents charged in connection with the Capitol violence, which was ignited by Trump’s baseless claims that the 2020 presidential election had been stolen due to voting fraud. Five deaths have been tied to the assault. Some 140 police officers were injured."

Both Egtveldt and Bilyard have some time in the slammer to consider where they went wrong in life, and why they let an unstable con man and demagogue convince them to attack the seat of democracy on January 6. Bon voyage!

(There are still unidentified insurrectionists at large. Please go to this FBI site to see if you can help identify them.)


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