Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Biden Launches Re-Election Bid


Here we go.


BONUS USA Today's Rex Huppke on Biden, the candidate:

Biden being up in years would be a bigger issue for Democrats if the Republican Party didn’t presently have the vibe of an abandoned garbage barge surrounded by angry seagulls.  [snip]

I once made the mistake of thinking Trump would never become president, and proven dead wrong hung up my prognostication helmet for good.

But as dangerous as it may be to doubt the possibility of Trump or a Trump-like clone catching electoral lighting in a bottle, history has proved it’s equally risky to doubt one Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

He has a way of defying political gravity. And that doesn’t seem to have changed much with age.

Wherever you are on the gamut from thrilled to not so much, we've got to make sure we win in 2024, "we" meaning Biden/Harris, Democrats, democracy.   There's a great record of achievements to run on and be proud of, but beyond that, we know what a "garbage barge" the Republican/ Trumpist/ Christofascist/ Shooters Party is and what it would do if it held the White House.  That's what should concentrate our minds more than anything else.

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