Thursday, April 6, 2023

QOTD -- Walking Forward


"... Trump got all the attention Tuesday. It was undoubtedly a historic moment.

"But by nightfall, he was wearily reading conspiratorial nonsense off a teleprompter and babbling woe-is-me claptrap that seemed to bore even the hardcore fans in attendance.

"It’s the same stuff, over and over. That’s today’s Republican party: either walking in place or walking backward, ignoring the possibility that, across the country, something has shifted.

"Ignoring the fact that more and more people are deciding they’d much rather walk forward." -- Rex Huppke, USA Today, after detailing all the evidence that the country is choosing Democrats and moving forward, while the Malignant Loser's cult party is stuck in the past with nothing but unpopular, fascistic policies to offer.

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