The New York Times' Jamelle Bouie has an op-ed about how the Republican / Forced Birth / Shooters party "woke mind virus" refrain and culture war, while ginning up the fascistic MAGA base, isn't resonating with the majority of Americans:
"Along with low unemployment, there’s been meaningful economic growth, and [Biden] can point to significant legislative accomplishments. The Democratic Party is behind him; he has no serious rivals for the nomination.
But Biden’s biggest advantage has to do with the opposition — the Republican Party has gotten weird. [snip]
Not only do Americans not care about the various Republican obsessions — in a recent Fox News poll 1 percent of respondents said “wokeness” was 'the most important issue facing the country today' — but a large majority say that those obsessions have gone too far. According to Fox, 60 percent of Americans said 'book banning by school boards' was a major problem. Fifty-seven percent said the same for political attacks on families with transgender children. [snip]
And yet there’s no sign that Republicans will relent and shift focus. Just the opposite, in fact; the party is poised to lurch even further down the road of its alienating preoccupations. On abortion, for example, Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, says candidates need to address the issue “head on” in 2024 — that they can’t be 'uncomfortable' on the issue and need to say 'I’m proud to be pro-life.'
But the Republican Party has veered quite far from most Americans on abortion rights, and in a contested race for the presidential nomination, a 'head-on'focus will possibly mean a fight over which candidate can claim the most draconian abortion views and policy aims." (our emphasis)
We welcome Republicans using the same culture war slogans and positions for a general election that they use in their right-wing primary elections, as the clueless Ronna Romney McDaniel appears to suggest. It's worth a minimum of 100 electoral votes for Dems.
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