Wednesday, May 17, 2023

QOTD -- Durham Bull, Cont.


"You’ll search his report in vain for any mention of, for instance, the fact that Trump’s campaign chairman passed information to a Russian intelligence operative. Nearly every mention of Manafort is about his relationship with former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, who turned out to be an inconsequential figure in the scandal yet takes up much of the space in Durham’s report because of the FBI’s shoddy means of obtaining FISA warrants to surveil him.

"In the end, Durham’s investigation achieved little to nothing of consequence. He indicted three people, one of whom pleaded guilty to illegally modifying an email and was sentenced to probation; the other two were acquitted. His report tries to turn what is already known about FBI sloppiness into something new and shocking.

"But if his goal was to give Trump and his dishonest minions an excuse to repeat their bogus claims about his innocence in the Russia scandal? Mission accomplished." -- Paul Waldman in the Washington Post, assessing the report issued by Malignant Loser/ William "Low" Barr - appointed Special Counsel John Durham to try to smear the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election on the Malignant Loser's behalf.  As with reporting on the debt ceiling issue, the media is covering itself in shame by adopting Republican talking points and perspectives.  Shocking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember William "Low" Barr was brought in as AG to whitewash the Iran Contra scandal. The march to authoritarian rule started long before Trump.