Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Republican Sex Predator Crime Blotter

Far-right Texas State Representative Bryan Slaton resigned from the state legislature just before his colleagues were to vote him out for having sex with a 19 year old staff member. A committee concluded in a 16 page report that Slaton, 45, had engaged in "inappropriate sexual conduct" with the aid on April 1 of this year. The Texas Tribune has the details:

"Slaton was among the most socially conservative lawmakers in the chamber and had been one of this session’s loudest voices for cracking down on drag shows and decrying drag artists as 'groomers' who want to sexualize kids.

The committee report said Slaton had invited the 19-year-old woman to his Austin apartment late March 31 and gave her a large cup of rum and coke, then refilled it twice — rendering her unable to 'effectively consent to intercourse and could not indicate whether it was welcome or unwelcome.'

In other questionable actions, Slaton also provided alcohol to the aide and another woman under the age of 21 on several occasions, the report said.

The report also alleged that after Slaton and the woman had unprotected sex in the early hours of April 1, Slaton drove her home, and she later went to a drugstore to purchase Plan B medication to prevent a pregnancy. Slaton, a staunch abortion opponent, later tried to intimidate the woman and her friends into not speaking about the incident, the report said."  (our emphasis)

Isn't it always the loudest self-righteous Christofascist voices that prove to be utter hypocrites and worse? Here's an excerpt from his official biography:

"Bryan Slaton is a proud East Texan with values and principles that represent the great people of East Texas. These values were formed as he grew up regularly participating in church and family gatherings. Bryan attended Ouachita Baptist University, where he earned a double major in Youth Ministry/Speech Communication. He then attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and earned a Masters of Divinity with Biblical Languages. He served in the ministry as a Youth and Family Minister for 13 years." (our emphasis)

Fox meet chicken coop. This creep paraded around as a defender of kids and a family man, all the while preying on young legislative staffers. The Texas Tribune reports that his resignation statement was also typically repulsive:

"Slaton did not address the inappropriate relationship that led to his downfall in his resignation letter to Gov. Greg Abbott, saying instead that he looked forward to spending more time with his young family. He was not on the House floor Monday."  (our emphasis)

We're sure his wife will be delighted to spend more time with him. 

(photo: "Can we leave my name out of the report?" Bob Daemmrich for The Texas Tribune)


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