Thursday, June 15, 2023

Arresting The Insurrectionists -- A Four-Percenter


Another violent insurrectionist gets his comeuppance:

A Maryland man has been arrested on felony charges, including assaulting a law enforcement officer, for his actions during the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. His actions and the actions of others disrupted a joint session of the U.S. Congress convened to ascertain and count the electoral votes related to the 2020 presidential election.

Adam Ryan Obest, 42, of Thurmont, Maryland, is charged in a criminal complaint filed in the District of Columbia with obstructing, impeding, or interfering with a law enforcement officer during a civil disorder, assaulting an officer with a deadly or dangerous weapon, act of physical violence in a restricted building or grounds with a deadly or dangerous weapon, all felonies, and act of physical violence on Capitol grounds.

According to court documents, at approximately 2:31 p.m., Obest is seen on Body Worn Camera (BWC) video engaging law enforcement officers while holding a flagpole on the West Plaza of the Capitol Building. Obest maintained his hold of the flagpole as a Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) Officer grabbed the end of the flagpole. Obest eventually jerked the flagpole away and ran back into the crowd of rioters. Less than a minute later, Obest raised the flagpole above his head and brought the end of it down abruptly into the line of officers. Obest then engaged directly with the MPD Officer and attempted to take the officer’s baton out of their hands before eventually retreating into the crowd.

In Facebook posts, Obest indicated he and his wife attended the Stop the Steal rally in Washington, D.C., and were in the vicinity of the Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021.  Obest also commented via social media on a video posted by Bill O’Reilly: “Can’t wait to hear your analysis on the protests at the Capitol today. I was there and it was 96% peaceful.”...

If, as Obest ludicrously claims, the "protests" on January 6 were 96% peaceful, he must've been one of the 4 percent who were violent (a Three Percenter plus one?).  

You can visit the FBI site to view images of wanted seditionists to see if, by chance, any face looks familiar.  Over 1,000 of these mooks have been arrested already, but many are still at large. Let's get all of these MAGAt morons off the streets and into a cell where they belong. 

(Photos:  Obest at the Capitol on January 6 wielding flag pole to assault police / FBI)

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