Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Letters We Wish We'd Written Dept.


In today's Washington Post:

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) has shown us again that an expensive private school education and a vast fortune do not mean you’ve got good sense [“Youngkin blasts Trump indictment as political,” Metro, June 10]. He joined others on whom such advantages have been squandered: Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.), Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and Sen. John Neely Kennedy (R-La.) among them — all graduates of the most elite universities in the world and yet complete kiss-ups to a shallow, egomaniacal and ignorant former president.

Without bothering with the facts of the Mar-a-Lago documents case, Mr. Youngkin leaped to former president Donald Trump’s defense, suggesting that the indictment proved a rich White man can’t get a fair shake in this country. He did not concede the election was fair and that President Biden was legitimately elected until after he secured the gubernatorial nomination, harping endlessly on “election integrity” and claiming that Mr. Trump is a victim of political prosecution.

These are obvious and stupid lies, and I’m pretty sure that not even Mr. Youngkin believes them. He’s a knave, not a fool. It sure would be nice if our governor would tell the truth at least once in a while, though.

Bruce Carnes, Fairfax

Youngkin's disingenuous "two- tiered justice system" argument intended as a defense of his party's cult leader was doubtless spoon fed to him, as well as to the other two- legged rats mentioned above, as a MAGAt focus- group- tested line to be deployed whenever the cult leader's criminal behavior was brought to account. It's a disqualifying sentiment for any politician, no matter how slick, to undercut the rule of law and legitimacy of our legal system, especially in defense of someone so "shallow, egomaniacal and ignorant" as the Malignant Loser.

In the meantime, Youngkin and his fellow lickspittles should be asked specifically what crimes that are in the Malignant Loser's indictment should President Biden (or Hillary Clinton, for that matter) be charged with, based on the evidence?  Huh?  Huh?


Silver Spring Bureau Chief said...

Also notable is that he doesn't care much about the very real two-tiered justice system that exists for black people.

W. Hackwhacker said...

SSBC -- you are correct, sir!

Mart said...

You really can't argue about the two tiers of justice. Instead of being sent to a prison cell after indictment like anyone else (suspected of) commitring these serious crimes; Trump gets to fly on his jet back to his summer home.