Wednesday, June 14, 2023

MAGA Misfits' Rally "Modest" In Number

Law enforcement and the media were prepared for a version of January 6 yesterday in Miami after the Malignant Loser called on his supporters to show up and demonstrate. Instead, far fewer showed up, and those that did were the fringiest of the fringy, as their costumes and delusional signs indicated. From the Daily Beast:

"Protesters assembled outside the federal courthouse here on Tuesday to express their support for former President Donald Trump—to fly the Trump colors and show prosecutors that they’re up against a MAGA army.

But if protesters sought to show unity and organization, what they accomplished was a disorganized display of MAGA spectacles, flaunting a pig’s head on a pike and getting the street shut down over an abandoned television.

Trump was arraigned on Tuesday afternoon for 37 counts related to his alleged mishandling of classified documents. On social media, Trump called on fans to come to Miami for his court appearance. “SEE YOU IN MIAMI ON TUESDAY!!!” he wrote. But turnout was modest on Tuesday morning, despite efforts by pro-Trump figures like rapper Forgiato Blow to gin up attendance for a 10 a.m. rally.

“What I like about this, we been supporting Trump since day one and never switch up on Donald Trump, man what’s up. DeSant-heads need to get out here and get with Trump,” Blow (real name Kurt Jantz) said in a video outside the courthouse on Tuesday, referencing Trump’s GOP rival and Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis.  [snip]

Other eccentric characters also turned up early to the courthouse.

Osmany Estrada, 40, proudly donned an American and Cuban flag as he paraded around the courthouse with a pig’s head on a pike, posing for photos with anyone who asked, but mostly dodging TV crews that swarmed him.

Like many others who weathered blistering heat and humidity to sing Trump’s praises, Estrada said he was confident the former president would quickly be found not guilty. He said he became even more certain of a Trump victory when Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, was selected to preside over the case."  (our emphasis)

The Proud Boy street thugs, perhaps chastened by January 6 prosecutions, were few in number, and many in the crowd outside of the Federal courthouse appeared to be far-right, Little Havana gusanos Cubanos based on the flags and signs they were carrying. While larger than the handful of cultists that appeared at the Manhattan venue where District Attorney Alvin Bragg indicted the Malignant Loser on fraud charges, it showed that even in a friendly jurisdiction, for the most part his followers didn't take up his tacit invitation for violence at the courthouse. SAD!

(photo: Typical MAGA misfit. Win Macnamee / Getty Images)


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