Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Only The Best People

Big- mouth/small- brain keyboard commandos and some of their coup caucus cheerleaders are "prepping" for the arraignment of the Malignant Loser today in Miami, if you can believe their foaming- at- the- mouth rhetoric:

Supporters of former president Donald Trump are planning mass protests at a Miami courthouse on Tuesday, following Trump’s indictment last week. Many are promising to come “well-armed.”

“MAGA will make Waco look like a tea party,” a user with the screen name 1776take2 wrote about the planned protest on the pro-Trump messaging board known as The Donald, which was instrumental to the planning of the Capitol riot. “I used to laugh when my mom said that she was afraid if she registered Republican she may be arrested one day. I’m not laughing any more. Just buying more ammo.”

In addition to the angry comments and plans posted anonymously on far-right message boards, Republican lawmakers, politicians, and right-wing pundits have also used incendiary language about Trump’s indictment. “We have now reached a war phase. Eye for an eye,” GOP Rep. Andy Biggs tweeted to his 730,000 Twitter followers.   [snip]

“Who's coming with me on Tuesday? I will be the one in the [fuck around and find out] armor, easy to find, KEK on the back collar,”  one member of The Donald wrote on Friday. “I will be there peacefully to speak up about this misjustice, legally I will also be armed, well armed.”

Many of the posts on The Donald directly referenced Trump’s own posts on his social media platform Truth Social. Under one screenshot of a Trump post about his aide Walt Nauta also being indicted, one user wrote: “Revolution Now.” Another added: “I want blood. I want fucking blood.”  [Ed. - if you act out, it may be yours, goober.]

Other members of The Donald used language associated with white supremacist groups that advocate for acts of violence they claim will hasten a race war. “Accelerate, the quicker the normies realize this isn’t a free country, the quicker things can be fixed,” one user wrote under a post about Trump’s indictment...

Of course, the Malignant Loser himself is busy beating the war drums even more fiercely than he was prior to and on January 6, 2021:

...Trump is scheduled to make public remarks in Bedminster on Tuesday night, aides said. He similarly used a speech at his Mar-a-Lago resort in South Florida to denounce Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who filed the New York state charges, on the evening after his appearance in the New York City courtroom.

Trump, during a radio interview with longtime adviser Roger Stone on Sunday afternoon, repeated his call for protests. For his part, Stone — who helped mobilize the protest movement that drew thousands to the nation’s capital on Jan. 6, 2021 — encouraged demonstrators to remain peaceful, civil and legal.

But Trump’s supporters have at times alluded to potential violence — including Kari Lake, a Republican from Arizona, who has planned a rally in support of Trump at a hotel in Palm Beach, Fla., on Monday night. During a conference of Georgia Republicans on Saturday, Lake suggested Trump’s prosecution could be met with violence, noting that she and other supporters are members of the National Rifle Association.

“If you want to get to President Trump, you’re going to have to go through me, and you’re going to have to go through 75 million Americans just like me,” Lake said, drawing roaring cheers and a standing ovation. Earlier in her speech, she called the indictment “illegitimate” and told the audience, “We’re at war, people — we’re at war.”

The only lesson the Malignant Loser took from January 6 was to cover his ample ass better in case the plot fails, but you just know he'd like to have his fascist legion attack the courthouse. 

We don't want to see violence,  But there's still room in our prisons for these violently deranged, sub- moronic fascists if they match their rhetoric with actions.  Should that happen, with any luck, they may be sharing a prison with their cult leader some day.

(Photo:  The few, the dumb, the armed / Mark Peterson, Redux)

1 comment:

anynameleft said...

Considering the lunacy of those armed whack jobsif I was demented donnie I would be worried about the precedent of Huey Longs death after getting hit by "bodyguards" when they blasted away indiscriminaitly at an assissin in close quarters.