Wednesday, June 28, 2023

QOTD -- Lack Of Imagination


"...  Trump left office, federal prosecutors now assert, with some of our most precious intelligence assets in his pocket. I know too many people risked far too much to get that information for it to be stacked in boxes, unsecured, in a ballroom of a Florida resort.

"This is not something I imagined could ever occur. Nor do I believe our system accounts for not being able to trust a former commander in chief to feel the same responsibilities and live with the same burden that others who have access to that information do. If it did, we would have individual intelligence officers deciding what information to safely give a president while in office, and that would be an abysmal situation. Our system assumes that swearing to uphold and defend the Constitution creates mutual trust for each party to do their assigned job..."--  former principal deputy director of National Intelligence under the Malignant Loser Sue Gordon.  Beyond being an indictment of the Malignant Loser, this lack of imagination on the part of a top intelligence officer is an indictment of her own analytical and observational skills.  Who, when observing the Malignant Loser over the past decade, could have missed the fact that he was a sociopathic narcissist who cared only about himself?  Or that he wouldn't take oaths seriously? Or that he even knew what was in the Constitution?  Millions of us certainly didn't miss any of that. But apparently the National Intelligence directorate was staffed with some people imbued with wishful, magical thinking and an inability to stand up for the country's interests.  We can only hope they've found a new line of work outside of government by now, like Ms. Gordon.

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