Thursday, June 8, 2023

QOTD -- Loyalty


“... 'Loyalty' is not just about who your customer base is. It’s a question of principle first, and commerce follows. For example, Hobby Lobby is closed on Sunday for religious purposes, forgoing revenue because of principle. The current culture war is testing companies’ loyalty to core principles in ways we have not seen in some time. This is not a war in which corporations can shout 'go team' no matter who wins. This war doesn’t allow anyone to be neutral.

"So be prepared to fight.

"Companies will have to decide if 'diversity, equity and inclusion' are principles worth fighting for or popular buzzwords to include in a fiercely written mission statement no one bothers to remember..." -- LZ Granderson, writing in the Los Angeles Times that "When even Chick-fil-A is angering the right, no company is safe."  "Principle first, and commerce follows" is a difficult line to toe, as we've just seen with the PGA's craven, immoral capitulation to the bloody Saudi regime.  But, there are some notable examples of companies willing to fight for diversity, equity and inclusion, like mega- corporation Disney.  Others have undercut their public relations support for the LGTBQ+ community by contributing to anti- LGTBQ+ politicians.  Companies need to understand that you're not allowed to be in the fight half way.  You either have core principles that you're loyal to, or you don't.  You're either on the right side of history, or you're not.

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