Tuesday, June 20, 2023

QOTD -- Mercy Killing


"... Until last year, I remained hopeful that the press might wean itself  from its high doses of incessant Trump coverage. The futile 'save the GOP' narrative is inextricably linked to the media's addiction to the quotidian drama and trauma Trump produces day after day. 

"The only pathway to saving our republic goes through the electoral mercy killing of the Republican Party, and the only savior is the one you see in the mirror. I do not seek to kill the GOP because I want a one-party nation; I seek to kill it because no other choice is acceptable. To our friends in the press: I hope you'll join us, sooner rather than later. 'Later' may be too late." -- Rich Logis, longtime Republican pundit and former Trump supporter, concluding an article in Salon about why the Republican/ Seditionist/ Shooters Party needs to die, and why the media must participate.  This is a sentiment many have spoken of over the years, but never more so once the effects of decades of base brainwashing resulted in the cult leader's election in 2016. As for the media's role, we see no reason to believe they'll behave significantly better than they have throughout the entire Malignant Loser era, fearful as they are of being branded as partisan and losing audience and advertisers. 

Sometimes, though, it just feels nice to read something aspirational. 

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