Thursday, June 15, 2023

QOTD -- Waltzing Into Criminal Charges


"Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton is widely credited with waltzing Donald Trump straight into criminal charges by advising him that he was legally entitled to keep the documents he had squirreled away at Mar-a-Lago.  [snip]

"It’s important not to reduce Trump’s mess of his own making to bad advice from Tom Fitton. It’s just an amusing addendum to the Trump train wreck.

"The truth is that multiple Trump lawyers (reminder: Fitton is not a lawyer) advised him of his legal peril if he did not surrender the documents in his possession. Self-interested accounts from lawyers now caught in bad situations? Sure, but this is no-brainer legal advice. You don’t have to be a high-powered superlawyer to reach the conclusion that Trump was facing a world of hurt if he persisted on his defiant course.

"Trump did what Trump wanted to do, as he always does. He ignored the advice he didn’t like, and proceeded as he saw fit.

"And here we are." --David Kurtz, TPM, on the role of bonehead advisor and non- lawyer Tom Fitton in the Malignant Loser's classified documents case.  The Malignant Loser is having enough problems finding legal representation because of people like Fitton holding sway over legal issues (not to mention legal representation that's accused of malpractice -- see below).  But, as Kurtz rightly notes, it's the Malignant Loser's own fault -- via his overwhelming narcissism, ignorance, and lack of control -- that he's in his current predicament.

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