Friday, June 16, 2023

Russian Soldiers Hit Listening To Speech


Ukraine has to be happy that the invading Russian thugs are as incompetent as they are plain stupid. Especially their commanders who, in the case of their 20th Combined Arms Army, made them stand for two hours for a "motivational speech" as Ukrainian artillery zeroed in on them:

"A Ukrainian official confirmed reports that originated from a Russian milblogger that soldiers stood still for two hours for a commander's speech, leaving them sitting ducks for Ukraine's High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems.

The unnamed official told the Kyiv Post 'It's a really funny situation there. They stood in the open air for two hours listening to the speech.'

'That is enough time to fix them, transport the HIMARS, enter the coordinates and hit them,' the official said.

The official's comments confirm details of the attack outlined by pro-war military blogger Rybar, who said that soldiers in a Russian division stood in one place for two hours.

He said they were waiting for their commander to give a motivational speech. Rybar said the attack, which he said involved HIMARS and Ukraine's artillery, happened in the city of Kreminna, in Luhansk." (our emphasis)

So much for motivation. In a separate article, the Telegraph quotes Russian sources that the losses were "more than 100," meaning you can probably triple that number for accuracy. They also identified Russian Maj. Gen. Zurab Akhmedov as responsible for the slaughter and who will likely be called to Moscow for "consultations."

We would heartily encourage Russian commanders to assemble their troops for more "motivational speeches" near the front lines. The more troops and the longer the speeches, the better.

(photo: Gan. Akhmedov departing his "command center" at the local Days Inn. Telegraph)


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