Friday, June 9, 2023

Summary: Trump's Seven [38!] Count Indictment (UPDATED - With Link To Indictment)


Here's the latest reporting from ABC on the 7- count federal indictment of the Malignant Loser in the classified documents investigation, and the penalties if convicted:

- Willful retention of national defense information (maximum penalty if convicted: 10 years)
- Conspiracy to obstruct justice (maximum penalty: 20 years)
- Withholding a document or record (maximum penalty: 20 years)
- Corruptly concealing a document or record (maximum penalty: 20 years)
- Concealing a document in a federal investigation (maximum penalty: 20 years)
- Scheme to conceal (maximum penalty: Five years)
- False statements and representations (maximum penalty: Five years) 

This is part of the first count above --


UPDATE:  Hoisted on his own petard dotard --


UPDATE II:  Oh, Lordy, it's not 7. Here's the 38 count indictment of the Malignant Loser and his aide Walt Nauta (pdf).

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