Sunday, June 11, 2023

The Malignant Loser In His Own Words


Rehashing his grievances at his cult rally yesterday in North Carolina, the Malignant Loser fumed about the 2020 election, specifically his totally false view that Pennsylvania voted for him and the election was stolen. That's when he excreted these lines (h/t Crooks and Liars):

"You turn on your television at 10 o'clock you would have said Pennsylvania's a lock.

We were up by so much, a lock. All of a sudden, you see that big fat dump, that big dump at 3:02 or whatever it was in the morning. It's a disgrace what happened."  (our emphasis)

The 15-flush Malignant Loser probably is familiar with 3:02 a.m. dumps given his cardiac-arrest diet, although his storage of classified documents next to a toilet at Merde O'Lardo lends new meaning to his "dump" reference. 👇

(photo: U.S. Justice Department, Southern District of Florida)

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