Monday, June 12, 2023

Trump Indictment Supported By Near Majority


A new ABC News / Ipsos poll shows that 48% of Americans believe that the Malignant Loser should be charged with the mishandling of classified documents, including military secrets, with 17% not knowing what their position is. Predictably, the MAGA cult opposes his indictment, with 35% disapproving. A clear majority also believe the documents charges are serious:

"Overall, 61% say the federal charges related to Trump’s handling of classified documents are serious, compared to 52% answering the same about Trump’s April indictment in New York on charges related to a payment of hush money.

This movement is driven by Americans across the political spectrum. Notably, however, the biggest increase is among Republicans. Now, 38% of Republicans view the federal indictment charges as serious, compared to 21% in April. Democrats have shifted slightly (7 percentage point increase), though the vast majority believed April’s charges to be serious (91% now, 84% then). Nearly two in three independents (63%) view these charges as serious, compared to 54% in April. [snip]

Overall, roughly half believe Trump should be charged, and should suspend his campaign (48% and 46%, respectively). These views are unchanged from April, where 50% said Trump should be charged and 48% agreed he should suspend his campaign."  (our emphasis)

As evidence that the Malignant Loser and his cult's attack on the legal institutions have had an effect, a depressing number view the charges as being politically motivated:

"On the other hand, 47% view the latest charges as being politically motivated, also unchanged from April (50%). These views are mainly driven by Republicans, while Democrats want to see Trump charged and to suspend his campaign. Interestingly, independents are split, with roughly half agreeing with all three sentiments."

The Malignant Loser knew what he was doing when he announced his candidacy for President in November 2022, months after the Merde O'Lardo search was done by the FBI, so that he could allege political motivation thereafter. Unfortunately, it will depend on a both sides Beltway media and a timid Dem party to push back against the lies, since DOJ and the White House can't jump into the arena.


1 comment:

seafury said...

So, with all the evidence so far, half the country will still elect him president. Depressing doesn't even cover it.