Friday, June 16, 2023

Tweets Of The Day


The "scared shitless" Malignant Loser's losing argument --



In other words, he's an ignorant, unprincipled, narcissistic sociopath --



Republican cracker tries to breathe life into Giuliani's debunked Biden/ Burisma fairy tale even after Giuliani delivers the bad "news" --



Do better, Dems!! --



It's who they are, part infinity --


What's that Musk-y smell?  More lies running rampant and fishy metrics --



... other than that, Bootsie in 2024!! --



Geopolitical and military genius Putin's gambit paying off big time  --


=Cough= The, uh, ring might be a complicating factor --


Calling on dopes (happy Friday!)! -- 



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