Tuesday, July 4, 2023

QOTD -- Realizing The American Dream


"...And as we struggle to realize the American dream, let us realize that we do not struggle alone. Even though there are the difficult days ahead, even though before the victory’s won, somebody else will have to get scarred up, somebody else will to have to go to jail, maybe someone will have to face physical death. For the victories won, some will be misunderstood, called bad names, be dismissed as dangerous rabble-rousers and agitators. Even in the midst of that, the struggle must go on. Knowing that the victory can be won because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice..." -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "American Dream" speech, July 4, 1965.  White nationalist Republicans only choose to remember and quote Dr. King's "content of their character" speech when it suits them, thinking that it shields them in their generations- long fight against diversity, equity and inclusion.  It doesn't.  The struggle to realize the American dream has faced difficult days before and faces them today. We won't give in and we won't give up.

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