Thursday, July 6, 2023

Quote Of The Day: Big Baby

Showing that expected Aussie spunk, Australia's Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil reacted to red-eyed tweaker Donald Trump Jr.'s whining about the cancellation of his speaking tour of Australia on Twitter:

“Geez, Donald Trump Jr is a bit of a sore loser. His dad lost an election fair and square – but he says it was stolen. Now he’s trying to blame the Australian government for his poor ticket sales and cancelled tour.

Donald Trump Jr has been given a visa to come to Australia. He didn’t get cancelled. He’s just a big baby, who isn’t very popular.”

We would have added, "The shit doesn't fall far from the shitter."

(photo: "Hey, that's my cocaine they found in the White House!")


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always loved Oz after they would not let tricky dick visit because they declared him an "Undesireable alien"
This was after he was forced into resigning to avoid impeachment and jail.