Sunday, August 6, 2023

Arizona's Coyote Buttes South


Take a tour of Coyote Buttes South in Arizona, videoed last December.  From the videographer's notes:

Coyote Buttes South is famous for some of the most visually striking and unique sandstone geological formations in the American Southwest.  It is a section of the Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness in Northern Arizona.  To preserve the area, hiking in Coyote Buttes is limited through a hiking permit system.  In Coyote Buttes South Dinosaur tracks can be found (3:53), in addition to the endless fields of colorful rocks swirling across the desert. The nearby Coyote Buttes North area is widely known because of the famous "The Wave" located there, but the South Buttes present many other incredible surprises.
Enjoy nature's spectacle.

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