Friday, August 4, 2023

Dems: Televise The Trump Trials!


More than three dozen House Democrats have written to Judge Roslynn Mauskopf, the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts' Judicial Conference Secretary, asking that the classified documents and January 6 coup trials of the Malignant Loser be televised:

We are writing to request the Judicial Conference explicitly authorize the broadcasting of court proceedings in the cases of United States of America v. Donald J. Trump. It is imperative the Conference ensures timely access to accurate and reliable information surrounding these cases and all of their proceedings, given the extraordinary national importance to our democratic institutions and the need for transparency.

As the policymaking body for the federal courts, the Judicial Conference has historically supported increased transparency and public access to the courts’ activities. Given the historic nature of the charges brought forth in these cases, it is hard to imagine a more powerful circumstance for televised proceedings. If the public is to fully accept the outcome, it will be vitally important for it to witness, as directly as possible, how the trials are conducted, the strength of the evidence adduced and the credibility of witnesses.

We urge the conference to take additional steps, including live broadcasting, to ensure the facts of this case are brought forward, unfiltered, to the public.

The letter with signatories is here (pdf).

We would anticipate that if the trials were broadcast, they could have the same impact on public opinion (MAGAt dead- enders notwithstanding) that the January 6 committee's hearings had.  The public needs to see these trials and the evidence arrayed against the most dangerous person ever to hold high office in this country.

BONUS:  The Malignant Loser may be on board, too --



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