Wednesday, August 9, 2023

DeSantis Rearranging The Deck Chairs Again

As his campaign slowly takes on water and begins to slip beneath the waves, fascistic Florida Gov. Ron "Bootsie" DeSantis has once again shuffled his campaign's organization, replacing Generra Peck with James Uthmeier as campaign manager. After big campaign layoffs last month and having his leading billionaire donor cut off funds, DeSantis, who is a fatally flawed campaigner, decided to introduce more uncertainty into his (apologies) Mickey Mouse campaign. From the Washington Post's account:

"Allies have lamented what they call unforced errors — ranging from early overspending to sharing a meme video denounced as homophobic. And while some blame Trump’s indictments for rallying the GOP base to his side, others worry that DeSantis’s message is simply not potent enough or that he has gone too far to the right on social issues while trying to peel away Trump’s voters. [snip]

These moves are the latest of many shake-ups for a candidate who began the year with sky-high expectations, widely considered Trump’s most formidable rival, but who has lost ground in national and statewide polling and trailed Trump by 37 points in one recent survey. An official launch in late May did not turn things around."  (our emphasis)

Yes, that memorable, glitch filled launch on right-wing sociopath Elon Musk's platform was an ill omen of things to come. Many observers don't think this will change DeSantis' downward spiral, given those unforced errors and the Malignant Loser's hold on his MAGA cult, which relishes his criminality. Despite Uthmeier being described as "ruthless," he may not be cut out to be Bootsie's rehab man:

"One DeSantis fundraiser, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to be candid, was skeptical that Uthmeier is the best choice given his lack of campaign experience.

'I think this is rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic,' said the fundraiser, who still hopes DeSantis pulls through. The person argued that DeSantis’s team grew overconfident after his landslide reelection and said fundraising has gotten harder in recent weeks. 'My normal contacts, there’s no excitement — not like four or five months ago, that’s for sure.'”  (our emphasis)

Given that this appraisal is from a DeSantis fundraiser, it's probably time for the campaign's staff to head for the lifeboats. 

(gif: His laugh circuitry apparently malfunctioned.)



Stewart Dean said...

My immediate response to learning of the campaign mgr reshuffle was, 'No, no, they should have switched the candidate not the manager'. A few hours later, Borowitz agreed:

W. Hackwhacker said...

Stewart -- exactly!