Saturday, August 5, 2023

DOJ Asks For Protective Order After Trump Threats


With indictments served and trials in the offing, the Department of Justice is starting to address the Malignant Loser's unhinged threats:

The Justice Department on Friday asked a federal judge overseeing the criminal case against former President Donald Trump in Washington to step in after he released a post online that appeared to promise revenge on anyone who goes after him.

Prosecutors asked U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan to issue a protective order in the case a day after Trump pleaded not guilty to charges of trying to overturn his 2020 election loss and block the peaceful transition of power. The order — which is different from a so-called “gag order” — would limit what information Trump and his legal team could share publicly about the case brought by special counsel Jack Smith.

Such protective orders are common in criminal cases, but prosecutors said it's “particularly important in this case” because Trump has posted on social media about "witnesses, judges, attorneys, and others associated with legal matters pending against him."

Prosecutors pointed specifically to a post on Trump's Truth Social platform from earlier Friday in which Trump wrote, in all capital letters, “If you go after me, I’m coming after you!”  [see post below]

Prosecutors said they are ready to hand over a "substantial" amount of evidence — “much of which includes sensitive and confidential information” — to Trump's legal team.

They told the judge that if Trump were to begin posting about grand jury transcripts or other evidence provided by the Justice Department, it could have a “harmful chilling effect on witnesses or adversely affect the fair administration of justice in this case.”

Prosecutors' proposed protective order seeks to prevent Trump and his lawyers from disclosing materials provided by the government to anyone other than people on his legal team, possible witnesses, the witnesses' lawyers or others approved by the court. It would put stricter limits on “sensitive materials,” which would include grand jury witness testimony and materials obtained through sealed search warrants... (our emphasis)

He was warned at his arraignment not to issue threats, and proceeded to ignore the warning. Here's what the magistrate told him:

“It is a crime to try to influence a juror or to threaten or attempt to bribe a witness or any other person who may have information about your case, or to retaliate against anyone for providing information about your case to the prosecution, or to otherwise obstruct the administration of justice.” 

We have to believe with a dangerous sociopath like the Malignant Loser in grave legal peril and using his mouth as a weapon, the next series of threats would be met with a gag order, or he will be held pending trial, as the magistrate went on to warn.

(Photo: such a big mouth)


seafury said...

A few of the MAGATS I know are salivating. "Time to get to walmart and stock up on ammo"
" The storm is upon us" and other such nonsense. I'm worried that given you can't protect everything that more infrastructure or levers of power are targeted. It's like playing chess with a chimpanzee. There's no rhyme or reason to their moves.

W. Hackwhacker said...

Seafury -- the evidence so far, after the prosecutions of the Jan. 6 traitors, is that the MAGAts are a lot of talk and no action. That's not to say there won't be some isolated incidents going forward, but as far as a "storm", more likely a gentle breeze.