Friday, August 18, 2023

QOTD -- Feel The Power


"I have a suspicion. Not a prediction. Or maybe it's a prediction but I won't frame it as such, because I like to be cautious. The basic fundamentals of American political life have shifted and will continue to shift into 2024. All in the Democrats' favor.

"It's Roe. It's the clear lunacy of the GOP. It's the conservative court making multiple anti-left decisions at once, thus tying these same decisions to the conservatives who appointed them. It's also climate. And then Generation Z. And how Gen Z interacts with all of the above. [snip]

"Again, no real predictions. We all must vote. No complacency. But can't we feel, for a moment, not complacent, but power? Can we not recognize the objective state of the other sides' weakness while also committing to action? I think we can. They are weak. We are strong..." -- Magdi Jacobs, in a Substack thread.  Put another way, just in practical political terms, would you rather be in Republicans' shoes, or Democrats'?


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