Thursday, August 10, 2023

QOTD -- Government Asks For January Trial Date In Coup Plot


"In its August 3, 2023, Minute Order, the Court directed the Government to “file a brief proposing a trial date and providing an estimate of the time required to set forth the prosecution’s case in chief” at trial. The Government proposes that trial begin on January 2, 2024, and estimates that its case in chief will take no longer than four to six weeks. This trial date, and the proposed schedule outlined below, would give the defendant time to review the discovery in this case and prepare a defense, and would allow the Court and parties to fully litigate any pre-trial legal issues. Most importantly, a January 2 trial date would vindicate the public’s strong interest in a speedy trial—an interest guaranteed by the Constitution and federal law in all cases, but of particular significance here, where the defendant, a former president, is charged with conspiring to overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 presidential election, obstruct the certification of the election results, and discount citizens’ legitimate votes..." (pdf) -- excerpt from the Government's response to U.S. District Judge Tanya Chukan's request for a recommended trial date for the Malignant Loser in the January 6 coup plot.  An estimated four to six week trial duration would put conclusion of the trial into February 2024.  We can only hope...

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