Wednesday, August 16, 2023

QOTD -- "Tell The Story Of Trump In Jail"


Amanda Marcotte, writing today in Salon about the need to make the Malignant Loser finally feel the consequences of arrogantly tampering with witnesses in his various criminal cases:

"It wasn't long ago that the possibility of charging and indicting Trump for his numerous alleged crimes was routinely shrugged off as a #resistance fantasy. Anonymous FBI agents have told the Washington Post that higher-ups refused to entertain the idea of investigating Trump's role in the Jan. 6 insurrection until the House select committee held public hearings and shamed them into it. Now Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith has two criminal cases against Trump headed to court, one for the coup attempt and one for stealing classified documents. Willis filed a whopping racketeering indictment against Trump and 18 other alleged conspirators this week. The 'unimaginable' can become reality. Trump is not physically impervious to justice. That imaginary protective shell around him is the result of choices of those in power, and it's time for those people to make different choices

Whether this is strategic or just the result of a sociopathic need to test boundaries, Trump's rapidly escalating violations of every court order are already shaking the mainstream certainty that locking him up is out of the question. Prominent legal experts have actually observed that it's the only real remedy for a defendant this badly out of control."  (our emphasis)

The entire article is well worth reading. The Malignant Loser is counting on his past record of successfully flouting laws, customs and boundaries to serve him in his latest role as both criminal defendant and Presidential candidate (of course, his "candidacy" was manufactured by his legal problems). Many will go along with the Malignant Loser's fake aura of invincibility and find excuses why this thuggish con man can't be jailed for violating court orders. As Marcotte notes, those in power have to make different choices about cracking that imaginary protective "shell" around him.

(image: An image long hoped for)

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