Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Tweets / Xeets Of The Day

The Malignant Loser's legal bills are mounting, so he's calling in his chits --

His MAGAt movement can't quit him because they love his criminality -- 

Still using Ukraine for extortion and to benefit himself and his idol Putin --  

Garish lighted "X" sign axed -- 

What's that Musk-y smell? Hint, his t-shirt --  

Losing Space Command headquarters, obstructionist Tuberville is in the "find out" phase -- 


Authoritarian Netanyahu says quiet part out loud. Shame on him -- 


Rep. Ronny "Dr. Feelgood" Jackson detained by cops while "treating" 15 year-old girl -- 

The Republicans' Hunter Biden witch hunt is coming up with bupkis -- 


We accept all recruits, regardless of their height! --  


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