Saturday, August 5, 2023

Tweets / Xeets Of The Day


Trump lies, says his threat was against "RINOs" not prosecutors / judges. Sure Jan!   -- 


While we're identifying unindicted Trump co-conspirators, how about Ginni Thomas? --

Message: I'm an even meaner sociopath than Trump -- 

Casey DeSantis: Trump's secret weapon. Check the crowd reactions. Bwahahaha -- 

Six white Mississippi police officers prove it's still 1920 down there -- 

And while we're on Mississippi, 5th Circuit Court voids a racist voting law of theirs -- 

Sen. Tommy "Dixie Dolt" Tuberville, who avoided service, continues to weaken America --  

Putting pressure on the Kremlin to return to Black Sea grain export deal --  

Only the, best for the Malignant Loser! -- 



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