Saturday, September 23, 2023

A CNN Poll And Bad Faith Journalism


See if you can spot the non sequitur in CNN's reporting on their recent New Hampshire poll of a Biden vs. Malignant Loser race:

... [I]n a head-to-head matchup between Biden and Trump, a narrow majority, 52%, of potential 2024 voters in the state say they’d back Biden, with 40% favoring Trump and 8% unsure or saying they would back someone else. That’s a wider edge for Biden than in most recent national polling on the matchup, which has largely found a margin-of-error contest between the two most recent occupants of the White House...

Was it too obvious?  

Calling a 52 - 40 % lead for Biden "a narrow majority" is the kind of bad faith journalism that's become a hallmark of corporate "mainstream media," especially galling since it's coming from outlets that present themselves as guardians of our democracy. The recent disastrous exploits of new NBC/Meet the Press host Kristen Welker in platforming the Malignant Loser, examples too numerous to catalogue of "both sidesism" and false equivalences in the Washington Post and New York Effing Times, and CNN -- which regularly violates their veteran reporter Christiane Amanpour's mantra to "be truthful, not neutral" -- all combine to give oxygen the dark forces of fascism in America.

"A narrow majority?"  Only if you think your readers won't believe their lying eyes!

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