Thursday, September 7, 2023

DA Willis Fires Back At "Gym" Jordan

Responding to MAGAt Rep. Jim "Gym" Jordan's August 24 letter aimed at obstructing her case against the Malignant Loser for his election interference, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis fired off a strong response today questioning Jordan's jurisdiction and motives. From CNN:

"Willis, a Democrat, condemned Jordan’s investigation into her case against former President Donald Trump and his allies. She said the Jordan probe’s 'obvious purpose is to obstruct a Georgia criminal proceeding and to advance outrageous partisan misrepresentations.'

She argued, 'there is no justification in the Constitution for Congress to interfere with a state criminal matter, as you attempt to do.'

Dismissing Jordan’s requests for a broad array of documents pertaining to her investigation, Willis argued Congress does not have the jurisdiction to seek information about her ongoing criminal investigation.

'Your letter seeks the revelation of non-public and privileged information concerning my office’s investigation and prosecution of a specific case,' Willis wrote. 'Your job description as a legislator does not include criminal law enforcement, nor does it include supervising a specific criminal trial because you believe that doing so will promote your partisan political objectives.'” (our emphasis)

Jordan, a rabid MAGAt cult member and current chair of the House Judiciary Committee, is looking for ways to derail the criminal case against his cult leader, including cutting Federal funds to Fulton County for law enforcement activities, including rape and hate crime prosecutions, and programs for at-risk children. 

Willis went on to demolish Jordan's insinuation that the criminal case was brought because of the Malignant Loser's candidacy:

“'The basic premise of your letter is wrong. The criminal defendant about which you expressconcern was fully aware of the existence of the criminal investigation being conducted by the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office at the time he announced his candidacy for President.' [snip]

'An announcement of a candidacy for elected office, whether President of the United States, Congress, or state or local office, is not and cannot be a bar to criminal investigation or prosecution. Any notion to the contrary is offensive to our democracy and to the fundamental principle that all people are equal before the law.'"  (our emphasis)

By telling Jordan that his attempt to derail the case won't fly, Willis is sending a signal to him and other MAGAts that state criminal cases into their cult leader are beyond the reach of their obstruction. 

A copy of Willis' letter to Jordan is here via Politico.

(photos: Reuters)

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