Thursday, September 7, 2023

Fetterman Calls B.S. On Biden Impeachment

Of any U.S. Senator in modern times, perhaps the most authentic and free of pretension is Pennsylvania's freshman Senator John Fetterman. Here he is addressing the latest hobby horse of the fascist MAGA cult in the House of Representatives:

"Asked by reporters about the potential impeachment inquiry, Fetterman repeatedly suggested that it would only hurt Republicans politically, sarcastically putting his hands up and saying 'oooh, no, please, don't.'

'Go ahead and do it, I dare you,' he said. 'If you're gonna keep threatening it, then go ahead, just do it.'

'It would just be like a big circlejerk on the fringe right,' Fetterman later said of a potential impeachment.

He then pointed out the multiple criminal indictments against former President Donald Trump.

'Your man has what, three or four indictments now?' he said. 'Sometimes you just gotta, you know, call their bullshit.'" (our emphasis)

The MAGA cult doesn't care that there are no grounds to impeach. This is a performance for them, food for their angry, delusional, low-information voters. They take the law and governing so lightly that they elect monsters like the Malignant Loser, and presume the opposition is as frivolously corrupt as they are.

(photo: Mariam Zuhaib / AP)


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