Monday, September 18, 2023

QOTD -- MTP Dumpster Fire


"... Did NBC News make a deal with Trump’s campaign to make sure that didn’t happen – to NOT materially fact-check him on-the-air during the disastrous Kristen Welker interview? Is NBC News conducting internal investigations, or does it plan to? I do not know for certain the answers to these questions today. I do know they are among many questions being asked inside NBC today, in part because of ONE tweet, and in part because of the awful realization that some sort of illicit pre-arrangement is an almost better explanation than that Welker, and Meet The Press, and NBC News, abrogated virtually every one of its journalistic responsibilities in a Chris Licht-level dumpster fire that has left the long time viability of Welker, and her Executive Producer, and the nearly 76 year old program itself, up in the air..." (our emphasis) -- Keith Olbermann, questioning whether NBC News rules were violated in Kristen Welker's getting her inaugural "Meet the Press" "Press the Meat" interview with the pathological liar Malignant Loser.  That program has been damaged goods since the days of Timmeh Russert, so expectations were exceedingly low to begin with;  Welker managed to take them to new depths.

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