Friday, September 1, 2023

QOTD -- Overt Acts


"... The circumstances of this case are easily distinguishable. The defendant conspired not for any purpose related to his duties as Chief of Staff, but to transform Mr. Trump from a losing political candidate into a winning one, no matter what the outcome of the election had actually been. The conspiracy did not involve a common plan seeking to fulfill a federal objective or enforce federal law; it sought to fulfill an openly personal goal of Mr. Trump’s that the defendant acknowledged he shared..." -- from yesterday's filing (pdf) by Fulton County DA Fani Willis, responding to U.S. District Judge Steve Jones' question about whether the case of former Malignant Loser Chief of Staff Mark Meadows should be removed to federal court.  Willis' response would likely apply to any other official working in the former Administration who might claim what they were doing in the Georgia conspiracy fell under their federal duties (=cough= Jeffrey Clark= cough=).

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