Thursday, September 7, 2023

Tweets / Xeets of the Day


Wisconsin Republican gerrymandering: rigging the system to stay in power --

Wisconsin Republican impeachment: blocking the duly elected from doing their job -- 


Clownish Senator from Alabama (who lives in Florida) has poetic thoughts -- 

Slippery Rama-squirmy won't answer Hasan's question, tries to talk over him --


And Rama-nazi has some decidedly anti-Semitic views --  

What's that Musk-y smell? Betrayal of Ukraine, assistance to Russia --  

Meanwhile, Ukraine hits enemy military in Russian city of Rostov -- 

Lock. Him. Up. -- 

There's no fixing seditious stupid --  

Ron "Bootsie" DeSantis' "electile" dysfunction noted -- 


The power of a little finger -- 

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