Saturday, September 2, 2023

Tweets / Xeets Of The Day


Corrupt Saudi regime looking to defeat Biden through rising gas prices -- 

This is one way to thwart the corrupt Saudis long term -- 

Lock. Them. Up. -- 

Russian asset and the "apple of Putin's eye" is a national security threat, part infinity --  

Meanwhile, Russian gas exports show second revenue loss in 25 years. Slava Ukraini. -- 

Sounds like nice payback for McConnell's treachery on Merrick Garland --  


Fascistic Gov. Ron "Bootsie" DeSantis is against disaster aid, except when it's sent to Florida -- 


A question for the "No Labels" scammers --  

Gone to Margaritaville in the sky. RIP Jimmy Buffett --  


Dog gone it --  


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