Tuesday, October 17, 2023

A Vote On Gym Jordan Likely Today (UPDATED)

After a weekend of high pressure tactics on wavering House Republicans, sexual predator protector and participant in the January 6 coup planning Rep. Jim "Gym" Jordan may get a vote today for Speaker of the House. Jordan reportedly was busy making promises and threats to such former "no" voters as Rep. Mike Rogers (Sedition-AL) and Rep. Ann Wagner (Sedition-MO), persuading them to agree to vote "yes" on his nomination. Jordan and his allies have threatened holdouts to unleash the MAGA base on them if they don't fall in line. Despite that, there appear to be more than enough Republicans voting "no" to deny him the job.

Jordan has been a force on the extreme right, and has been "endorsed" by the Malignant Loser who appreciates Jordan's efforts to defund the Federal prosecutions against him. He heads the bogus Biden impeachment show, and, as a member of the Putin caucus, opposes aid to Ukraine in its fight against the Malignant Loser's friend and co-conspirator Vladimir Putin. He's voted against keeping the Government open and against raising the debt ceiling (when Dems are in the White House). Former Republican Speaker John Boehner has referred to Jordan as a "terrorist" given his nihilism and opposition to legislation.

A few days ago, former Rep. Liz Cheney predicted that if the radical Gym were to be elected Speaker, it would cost Republicans the House in the 2024 elections. If the nation didn't have to be put through Gym's "terrorism" first, that alone would be worth applauding.

UPDATE: Gym loses the first vote, getting only 200 of the 217 he needed to become Speaker. Twenty Republicans voted for other members, including Rep. Kevin "Qevin" McCarthy and Rep. Steve "David Duke Lite" Scalise.  The House is now in recess, presumably to allow Gym and his fans time to bribe, plead with, and threaten the Republicans who denied him their votes.

(photo: Getty Images)


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