Thursday, October 19, 2023

Biden To Address Nation On Aid To Partners

After returning to the U.S. following his visit to Israel to express solidarity with them and to press for a humanitarian aid corridor to Gaza, President Biden will address the nation this evening to call for $100 billion in aid to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan, and to fortify the border with Mexico:

"In Thursday’s speech, Mr. Biden will address the American response to the two grave struggles that he has said threaten democratic stability across the globe: the war that followed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last year and the one that started this month after the brutal assault by Hamas on Israel on Oct. 7.

A senior White House official said Mr. Biden will seek to present the American people a broadly framed explanation for why two wars half a world away are critical to the national security of the United States. [snip]

The White House has provided few details about the scope of the aid that it will request for Israel and Ukraine. But multiple people familiar with the plan say Mr. Biden is expected to ask Congress in the coming days to approve about $100 billion in emergency funds to arm Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan and fortify the U.S.-Mexico border.

Thursday’s address could be a chance to draw Republicans and Democrats together behind support for both Israel and Ukraine, something that has traditionally had bipartisan support." (our emphasis)

The inclusion of funds for Taiwan and border fortification may draw some grudging Republican support in addition to those voting for funds for Ukraine and Israel. With the House in limbo over the Republican chaos in electing a Speaker, urgent action on the request will almost certainly be delayed.

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