Wednesday, October 11, 2023

"David Duke Without The Baggage" Picked By Repubs As Speaker Candidate (UPDATED)



Rep. Steve Scalise (MAGAt-LA) was selected by the white nationalist Republican caucus to be their candidate for Speaker of the House.  The chud, who once referred to himself as (KKK Grand Wizard) "David Duke without the baggage" beat out Malignant Loser endorsed (sad!) Ohio Rep. Jim "Gym" Jordan :

... While the selection means Scalise will probably become the next speaker, it remains to be seen whether Republicans will stick together to ensure his victory in a formal House vote.

With a narrow majority over Democrats in the House, Republicans would need 217 of their 221 members to vote for the GOP candidate to ensure his win. McCarthy was ousted in a historic first when eight disgruntled Republicans voted with Democrats last week to remove him as speaker.

The fallout from that vote has been bitter infighting that led to a delay in the House GOP’s selection of a nominee...

What a caucus.  What a rotted out party.

UPDATE:  Looks like he might not have enough Republican votes in the formal House vote.

(Image:  apparently it is /


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