Saturday, October 14, 2023

"Gym" Jordan Nominated, But Way Short Of Speakership

The dysfunctional and extremist House Republican conference nominated sexual abuse protector and legislative terrorist Rep. Jim "Gym" Jordan (Seditionist-OH) for Speaker of the House yesterday by a vote of 124 to 81, barely more than failed nominee Rep. Steve "David Duke Lite" Scalise (Seditionist-LA) received before he bowed out. From the New York Times:

"By a vote of 124 to 81, Mr. Jordan defeated Representative Austin Scott of Georgia, a mainstream conservative and an ally of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy who had decided just hours earlier to seek the nomination. Mr. Scott had effectively put himself forward as a protest candidate against Mr. Jordan, the co-founder of the ultraconservative House Freedom Caucus and a favorite of former President Donald J. Trump’s. [snip]

After Mr. Jordan won the nomination, Republicans held another vote to gauge how many in their ranks were willing to vote for him on the floor. The results were discouraging; 152 said they would, while 55 said they would oppose him. It underscored the deep divisions among Republicans and how far they have strayed from congressional tradition, which normally dictates that once an internal party contest ends, members rally behind the victor."  (our emphasis)

According to the article, Republicans are delaying a vote on Gym in order to build support among the Malignant Loser's cult, where Gym is popular. But there are still 14 Republicans representing districts that President Biden won in 2020 who will be a very hard sell to vote for Gym, who is spearheading the bogus Biden impeachment effort among other far-right agenda issues, and who voted to overturn the 2020 election results.

As they have for decades, Republicans are demonstrating their nihilism and unfitness to serve in responsible public offices (see the Quote of the Day, below). Ruled by petty grievances and deeply held authoritarian views, this dangerous circus will continue to roll along as domestic and international crises surround us. 

(photo: Gym and his cult leader. AP file)


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