Saturday, October 7, 2023

Pics Of The Day -- Hamas Attacks Israel


Hamas fighters launched thousands of rockets at Israel Saturday, hitting multiple targets, killing dozens and wounding over 700 at last report.  Hamas fighters also infiltrated at multiple points to attack civilian areas.  The attacks come on the Simchat Torah holiday and on the 50th anniversary of the start of the Yom Kippur war.  Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu declared that Israel is "at war" with Russia/ Iran-backed Hamas and ordered retaliatory military actions.  Continuous updates here.

(Photo:  rockets launched by Hamas from the Gaza Strip early this morning/ Said Khatib, AFP, Getty)

(Photo: cars burning in Ashkelon, Israel, after rocket strikes/ Ohad Zwigenberg, AP)

(Photo:  Israeli air strike targeting Hamas in Gaza City/ Mohammed Abed, AFP, Getty)

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