Friday, October 13, 2023

U.S.: No Disbursement Of $6B Of Iranian Funds


As we noted in yesterday's Tweets of the Day, the United States and Qatar have agreed to stop any disbursements of the recently "unfrozen" $6 billion in Iranian funds, given the regime's likely support for the Hamas terrorists. Republicans have been attacking the Biden Administration by falsely claiming Iran has already been using the funds to support Hamas' brutal terror against Israel. From Associated Press' reporting:

"The U.S. and Qatar have reached an agreement that the Qataris will not act on any request from Tehran for the time being to access $6 billion in Iranian funds that were unblocked as part of a prisoner swap last month, a U.S. official said Thursday.

The move, which stops short of a full refreezing of Iranian funds in Qatar’s banking system, follows the deadly attacks by Hamas on Israel and continued Republican criticism of the Biden administration’s deal with Iran, in which $6 billion was unfrozen in exchange for the release of five detained Americans. The official who outlined the understanding between the U.S. and Qatar was not authorized to comment and spoke on condition of anonymity.

U.S. officials have strenuously pushed back against the criticism, noting that the money had yet to be spent by Iran and can only be used for humanitarian needs."  (our emphasis)

Part of the knowingly false Republican attack had suggested that the $6 billion in frozen Iranian funds is "U.S. taxpayer money." Now, they'll have to come up with another bold faced lie to attack the Biden Administration, and to divert attention from their cult leader's outrageous statements complimenting Hezbollah's "intelligence" and knocking Israel's government for mishandling the Hamas terrorist attack six days ago.

(photo: Reuters)


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