Friday, October 13, 2023

What's That Musk-y Smell? Disinformation Investigation

The anti-Semitic tendencies of exploding car mogul and Chief Twit Elon Musk were exposed after he lashed out at the Anti-Defamation League for calling out his "X" media platform to advertisers for spreading hate and white supremacist propaganda. Musk had long ago crippled the platform's ability to filter and eliminate hate speech content, hiding behind his twisted claim as a "free speech" advocate.

The European Union has been watching developments on Musk's X, and passed their Digital Services Act earlier this year to block illegal graphic violence and disinformation of the kind that Musk was increasingly allowing. Now, the EU has started a probe into X's dissemination of such content. From Politico:

"The Commission sent X — the platform formerly known as Twitter and acquired by entrepreneur Elon Musk last year — a formal request for information about how it has been handling problematic content on the platform.

The request is a preliminary step to launch a formal probe that could lead to fines being imposed on social media totalling up to 6 percent of a company's global revenue. It's the first time the European Union executive has taken this step.

X has until October 18 to explain its crisis response to online terrorist propaganda and other violent and false content related to Hamas' attacks on Israeli communities; it has until October 31 to provide details on other content moderation issues raised by the EU. [snip]

Elon Musk's social network has been swamped with graphic images, falsehoods and terrorist propaganda. The platform has made itself the focal point of EU action to take down this content, following months of public criticism that it had fired content moderators and scaled down operations to prevent disinformation and illegal content ever since Musk took ownership of the company."  (our emphasis)

Here's some of what the EU is talking about. X's Chief Executive Officer and Musk's public fig leaf Linda "Yackety Yack" Yaccarino said her team was working to address the problem. She clearly knows that the problem is not technical but personal in the form of her far-right, neo-Nazi coddling self-destructive boss. Expect some initial cosmetic changes, but soon thereafter business -- dirty business -- as usual.

(photo: Theo Wargo/WireImage via Getty Images)


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