Saturday, November 25, 2023

QOTD: Dems Must Stress Freedom, Choice On Ballot


Bradley Beychok, in today's, urging that the polls this far out be ignored, and for Dems to focus on exposing the extreme anti-abortion agenda of the MAGA cult. 

"In red states and blue states, women voters have a unified message for Trump and his band of merry extremists: We’re not having it. Seven states have voted to protect abortion access since the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade.. Voters, especially women voters, are fed up and don’t want to support Republicans. The results at the ballot box prove that. 

Trump may be able to shoot someone on 5th Avenue and walk, but as the face of the anti-choice movement, he doesn't stand a chance of stopping this force. He nominated the justices who tore down Roe. He promised to punish people who had abortions. He’s been an anti-abortion extremist from the start.

Protecting democracy and reproductive freedom are the key issues fueling the electoral juggernaut that is women."


BONUSSee another prescription here.

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